About the Author Profiles

2017-2018 Articles

  • 11/28/2018

    Americans spend more on Thanksgiving than election

  • 11/17/2018

    Too much money in U.S. politics?

  • 10/23/2018

    The Only 'Collusion' That Matters Is Hillary Clinton's

  • 09/27/2018

    Kavanaugh Outrage Exposes Media Bias—Yet Again

  • 09/19/2018

    Campaign Finance ‘Reformers’ Ignore Largest Campaign Finance Scandal Ever

  • 08/24/2018

    Why Should Congress Perpetuate This Witch Hunt?

  • 08/23/218

    President Trump Didn’t Violate Campaign-Finance Law

  • 08/22/2018

    President Trump Has the Constitutional Right to Block Twitter Trolls

  • 08/21/2018

    Democrats’ Campaign Finance Hypocrisy

  • 08/06/2018

    Conservatives Like Me Aren’t ‘Notable’ Enough for Wikipedia—#LiberalBias

  • 07/11/2018

    I Was Right When I Said That President Trump Saved the Planet

  • 07/06/2018

    Free Speech Means a Free Internet—Even if Democrats Don’t Like It

  • 07/26/2018

    Trump Is Actually Seeking Solutions on Illegal Immigration

  • 06/21/2018

    I Was a Childhood Immigrant to the U.S. Trump is Acting Wisely and Compassionately on Illegal Immigration

  • 06/05/2018

    Liberals Attack Dinesh D’Souza, Ignore Clinton Scandal(s)

  • 02/06/2018

    Liberal media unrelenting in their bias against President Trump

  • 05/20/2018

    Stormy stories overshadow $84 million Clinton scandal

  • 05/11/2018

    Where is the Media? Stormy Stories Overshadow $84 Million Clinton Scandal

  • 01/26/2018

    Will Calvin Klein Start Making Prison Clothes?

  • 01/18/2018

    Did Democrats launder money to the Clinton campaign during the 2016 election?

  • 12/26/2017

    The Anatomy of Hillary Clinton’s $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme

  • 12/16/2017

    Don’t Be a Grinch About ‘Money in Politics’

  • 11/17/2017

    FEC Must Keep the Internet a Place for Free Minds, Free Speech

  • 11/02/2017

    Americans Just Spent More on Halloween Than on All 2016 Elections

  • 10/23/2017

    Will Washington Pressure Silicon Valley to Quell Free Speech?

  • 10/12/2017

    Money Doesn’t Win Election; Votes Do

  • 10/12/2017

    Political speech faces 2018 onslaught

  • 10/10/2017

    Congress' Facebook-Shaming Threatens Free Speech

  • 09/22/2017

    The Media’s Unrelenting Bias Against President Trump

  • 09/22/2017

    Snowflakeism Strikes Cornell University

  • 09/15/2017

    Congress Must End the Assault on Freedom of Speech Protections

  • 09/15/2017

    Even Speech We Hate is Protected Speech

  • 08/15/2017

    FEC ‘Reform’ a Smokescreen to Weaponize Government Against Free Speech

  • 08/07/2017

    How The Left Plans To Crush Conservatism in Three Steps

  • 08/04/2017

    The Establishment—On Both Sides—Weaponizes Fake News