About the Author Profiles

2019-2020 Articles

  • 12/23/2020

    Will FEC Hold 2016 Campaign Finance Violators Accountable?

  • 11/23/2020

    Once again, money in politics fails to buy votes

  • 10/23/2020

    What costs more — COVID-19 Halloween or the 2020 presidential election?

  • 07/21/2020

    Why America’s Schools Need To Reopen On Time — Despite The Democrats

  • 06/25/2020

    Why President Trump Is Right On Free Speech — And Silicon Valley Is Wrong

  • 04/22/2020

    COVID Protests: First Amendment Is an 'Essential' Service

  • 02/24/2020

    Debate Shows Bloomberg Can’t Buy This Election

  • 02/21/2020


    Las Vegas Debate Shows Bloomberg Can’t Buy the Election

  • 01/24/2020

    Democrats Have a Real Corruption Problem

  • 12/16/2019

    Political spending pales in comparison to holiday splurge

  • 12/10/2019

    The FEC Has Been Closed For 100 Days; Democrats Are In No Hurry To Fix It

  • 11/28/2019

    Dan Backer: Americans spend more on Thanksgiving than Election 2018

  • 11/15/2019

    Trump would have been right to withhold aid in Ukraine corruption fight

  • 09/30/2019

    No, President Trump's Ukraine Call Didn't Violate Campaign Finance Law

  • 02/21/2019

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign finance hypocrisy

  • 02/20/2019

    Why is the FEC Ignoring Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Campaign Finance Scandal?

  • 01/31/2019

    The #Resistance Gets Campaign Finance Law Wrong - Again

  • 01/25/2019

    Let’s Learn From The Shutdown — And Slash Federal Workers

  • 01/14/2019

    I'm A Campaign Finance Lawyer: 'Orange Man Bad' Is Not A Legal Theory